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Patient Transaction Screen – Editing Distribution Amounts

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You can edit estimated insurance amounts even if you have already distributed patient payments to that line of treatment! It is important that the estimated insurance amounts are accurate since this information is tracked on reports. You can also edit fee amounts and estimated patient amounts.

The Description, Fee, Tooth, Treatment Plan Date, Accept Date, and Date fields require the Supervisor password when a distribution has already been linked.

The Provider, Estimated Insurance, Estimated Patient, and Deductible fields cannot be edited if they have been completely distributed (there is no balance for the treatment). The Supervisor can assign rights to break the distribution links in order to edit these fields. If it is partially distributed (there is still a balance for this treatment), you can right click to edit these fields.

Modifications that are made to the Provider, Completion Date, or Fee will flag the Daysheet Year Map. Of course, all changes will be tracked in the Log File. Only the Supervisor has access to the Log File.

Tip: You may want to View Line Balances by clicking on View from the menu bar in order to see actual balances due compared to the estimated amounts.


It is important to have accurate insurance estimated amounts since this information is tracked by MOGO and will appear on your reports.

You can edit estimated insurance amounts by clicking with the right mouse on the EstIns column on a line of treatment that has a linked distribution. You can only use this feature if there is an insurance estimate.

MOGO will then give you the following choices:

  • Shift Primary to Secondary – The amount that is indicated will be sent to the insurance estimated column for the secondary insurance. This choice will be “grayed out” if the patient does not have secondary insurance.
  • Shift Primary to Patient – The amount that is indicated will be sent to the patient balance column. This choice will be “grayed out” if you have already linked an insurance payment to the line of treatment.
  • Clear Insurance for this Treatment – The insurance estimate column will now be zero. This amount will now appear in the patient balance column. This will be useful when there is no patient portion due for a service, but the patient gives you a check. You can then link the patient payment to the patient portion.


The Supervisor password is required to edit the fee amount when a distribution has already been linked.

You can double click on any dollar amount that is under the Fee column in order to edit a fee. If you enter an amount for less than what was distributed, MOGO will remind you that this action will break the distribution links. You will have a choice to answer “yes” or “no” to break the links. If you break the distribution links, you will need to distribute the payment or payments again.

You can also edit a fee that has been distributed by clicking on the fee with the right mouse. You will have the following choices:

  • Edit Amount – A Fee Window will open so that you can type in a different fee.
  • Clear Insurance for this Treatment – To clear insurance balance. This option will be “grayed out” if there is no remaining insurance estimate.


Shift Patient to the Primary ($$ balance remaining) – The actual remaining dollar amount for the patient portion will be shown. A window will open so that you can enter the amount you would like to shift to the EstIns1 column. This would be very useful if the insurance company sends another payment for the same treatment. You can then link the insurance payment to the estimated insurance amount again.

Shift Patient to the Secondary ($$ balance remaining) – This option will be “grayed out” if there is no secondary insurance.

Clear Insurance for this Treatment – The remaining insurance portion for this treatment will be send to the patient portion.

It is important to accurately link insurance and patient portions since this information can then be quickly accessed through the Distribution Detail window for future reference.

If the Supervisor has locked Transactions in Office Setup in order to comply with HIPAA Regulations, you may be unable to edit ADA codes. Only the Supervisor can access Office Setup.

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