Patient Transaction Screen – Entering a Reimbursement
When a patient has a credit on their account (or if they have a payment that was only partially distributed), you can enter a Reimbursement on their Transaction screen. The Reimbursement will then be linked to undistributed payments.
Payments that have not been distributed or have only been partially distributed will appear in green on the Transaction screen.
When you enter a Reimbursement code on a Transaction screen, you will be able to link this Reimbursement to the payments that were either entered and not distributed, or that were only partially distributed.
MOGO will automatically calculate the dollar amount available for Reimbursement based on the amount that is remaining to be distributed for a payment.
Note: Reimbursement codes must be set up under the Category of Charge and the Type of Reimburse in your Service Codes.
Start from a blank line under the Code column on the Transaction screen.
- Click on the Service Code
button at the top of the Transaction screen and the Service Code list will appear. You can also press [F9] or double click on the code column.
- Click on the Category button Reimburse.
- Select the Reimbursement code to add to a patient Transaction screen by clicking with the left mouse button and click OK.
- Type the Reimbursement code number or office key word under the Code column on the Transaction screen.
- Enter the date in the date column.
- A window will open which will list payments that have either not been distributed or have only been partially distributed. The bottom of the window will contain an explanation of Reimbursements. It will say, “Reimbursements can ONLY be linked to payment codes that have an undistributed portion”.
- Click on the payment or payments that you would like to reimburse. The bottom of the screen will show the “Amount Reimbursed”. This amount will automatically be filled in. You cannot type a dollar amount. The Amount Reimbursed is always the remaining undistributed amount of the payment code.
- Click [OK].
If you close the screen without selecting a payment code, you will receive an “Un-linked Reimbursement” message:
“The Reimbursement code was not linked to a payment. Leaving this Reimbursement code unlinked can make the family and individual balances incorrect. MOGO recommends you delete the Reimbursement code.
Do you want MOGO to delete the un-linked Reimbursement code?”
We recommend that you answer “Yes” to this question.
If you answer “No” to this question, the Reimbursement code will be marked as non-billable on the Transaction screen. There will be an N (for non-billable) under the Bill column for the Reimbursement code. This means that it will not affect the patient’s balance.
In addition, if you delete a payment code that is linked to a Reimbursement code, the Reimbursement code will remain on the Transaction screen as non-billable. There will be an N (for non-billable) under the Bill column for the Reimbursement code. This means that it will not affect the patient’s balance. It remains on the Transaction screen for future reference.
If a payment code, NSF code, or Reimbursement code is deleted from the Transaction screen, the original distribution information is saved in Notes. This is for future reference and will help you recreate the links if needed.
Deleted NSF and Reimbursement codes are tracked in the Log File. The Log File can only be accessed by the Supervisor.
The doctor can call the Support Department at 1-800-944-6646 for more information on the Log File.
You can always right click on the Reimbursement or the payment code on the Transaction screen at any time to see a Distribution Detail window for this Reimbursement. This would be a quick way to find out what check amount had been reimbursed!