Patient Notes can be viewed and entered from many areas of the program, such as the Patient Lookup List, Patient Information screen, Patient Transaction screen, and the To Do List. The menu bar in other areas of the program will also allow you to enter or view Notes. For example, you can click on Patient on the menu bar in the Appointment Book to view or enter Notes.
Notes can be added by clicking on the Notes icon in the toolbar throughout the program or from the menu bar.
The Notes section of MOGO has been designed to allow you to file documentation into cabinets, folders, and sub-folders (the same way you file images). You can organize your Notes into one of these cabinets for easy viewing purposes, and you can even create your own folders and sub-folders from the right click menu!
To provide easy access to patient Notes, they are saved in special program-defined Patient, Clinical, and Administrative cabinets.
There are also special program-defined locked folders. Tip: Point your mouse to any cabinet or folder and a tool tips window will describe it for you!
Click on the + plus sign next to any cabinet to list the folders under that cabinet. Click on the – minus sign next to any cabinet to close the folders.
Click one time on the folder you would like to view and it will open. The right side of the screen will list these Notes in date order. You can click anywhere on a note to select that note so you can view it in the white box at the bottom.
For example, when you send a Quick Letter to a patient the entire letter is saved in the Patient cabinet in a Letter folder. When you document in MOGO’s EMR system, the Clinical Notes are automatically saved under the Clinical cabinet in the EMR folder. If you print a Prescription by clicking on the Prescription icon from the Chart or from the patient’s Transaction screen, it will be saved in the Clinical cabinet in the CDS folder.
- Categorizing Notes and images in cabinets and folders allows you to organize them for later viewing based on your specific needs. For example, you may want to view only the Notes that are in the Clinical Cabinet or in the Appointment folder.
- You can even create new folders and sub-folders in order to organize your Notes for easy viewing purposes! Just click with the right mouse on any cabinet or folder to open a popup menu.
Tip: If you do not want to save a document to the patient Notes, enter QLetNoSave in the keyword field in Document Information in the Word Processor.
Images can be viewed directly from the patient’s Notes screen. The Notes screen contains an Image icon with the same five Image cabinets that are shown in Imaging. The Image cabinets are Patient Pictures, Ledgers, Letters, X-Rays, and Oral Pictures. Note: If you do not have rights to Access [Title] Image Cabinet, you will not see the imaging cabinets.
When you view Notes, you can first select the Cabinet and Folder for the Notes you would like to view. You will also have the option to view Notes for all family members from the same screen! Features are available in the menu bar and as icons.
When you view Letters that have been saved in Notes, the first line in the white box will show the name of the letter followed by “printed by” with the login name of the user.
- MOGO will automatically save the date, time, and login name of the user who entered a new patient in the patient’s Notes screen.
- MOGO will automatically save the date, time, and login name of the user who removed the insurance coverage in the patient’s Notes screen. The Notes screen will also show the insurance holder name and ID number, employer name, insurance company name, and group number that was removed.
- If you just re-select an insurance company for an employer, it does not save information in Notes.
- Changes to the patient’s Remaining Insurance Benefits will be saved in Notes. The original benefits and the new benefits will both appear in Notes.
- Deleted appointment information will be saved in the patient’s Notes. It will include the date, time, and login name of the person who deleted the appointment. It will also show information regarding the appointment, such as the date and time of the appointment, the procedure that was scheduled, the appointment type, and the fee for the procedure.
To further enhance Notes, MOGO links notes to specific items – such as appointments and To Do List items. MOGO refers to these as Related Notes.
In addition, when you create a Word Processing document in MOGO, you can save the document in the Letter folder in the Patient, Clinical, or Administrative cabinet. Setup Document Folder is under File in the menu bar. This will make it easy for you to quickly review only specific types of letters that were printed for the patient!
For faster entry, when you a enter a new Note, a simple edit screen will open. This screen only appears when you select “Enter Notes”. For example, “Enter Notes” is under Documents in the menu bar on the Transaction screen, and it is in the right click menu on the Patient Lookup List.
If you click on the Notes icon, or select “View Notes”, you will see the entire Notes screen. Tip: Use “Enter Notes” from the right click menu in the To Do List in order to link a Related Note for a patient.
Spell Check is available in many areas either as a button, as an icon, or in the menu bar. There is a Spell Check button on the Enter Notes screen. Tip: You can use [F7] on the keyboard to quickly activate Spell Checking.
Notes can also be printed for a patient by Category (folder) and Subcategory (sub-folder), as well as within a date range. This is available under Print on the menu bar from the Patient Lookup List. In addition, you can print a selected Note from File and Reprint on the menu bar in Notes.
Labels can be printed from many areas of MOGO, such as from Instant Recall and Power Sort Reports. However, labels are not saved to the patients’ Notes.
Notes can also be entered from MOGO’s To Do List. These Notes are automatically linked to the management code and the Related Notes can quickly be viewed in the To Do List.
Password rights can be set up to allow staff members to edit existing Notes. If you do not have rights to edit existing Notes, then only the Supervisor can edit or change Notes once they have been saved. For example, the Supervisor can highlight, cut, copy, or delete existing Notes.
In order to comply with HIPAA Regulations, the Supervisor can “Lock Clinical Documentation System Notes” within a specified number of days. This is available in Office Setup and can only be accessed by the true Supervisor.
In addition, if you are logged in as the Supervisor, there will be a Delete icon at the top of the Notes screen. If you are not the Supervisor, the icon will not be shown.
There are two different popup menus in Notes. The editing features in Notes are available by clicking with the right mouse in the white box on the Notes screen. This will open a popup menu containing editing features. This popup menu will not be shown if you do not have rights to edit existing Notes. In addition, there is a right click menu available on the Notes list which is at the top of the screen with options such as “Sort by”.
You can mark a Note to “Display in Watch” or to “Print on Statement” or “Print on Receipt“. You can also specify how many times you want the Note to print on the Statement or Receipt.
To add Notes or Comments from the Patient Lookup List follow these steps:
- Select the patient by clicking with the left mouse button.
- Click on the
Notes icon.
- Click on Documents from the menu bar and select either View Notes or Enter Notes.
- Right click and select either View Notes or Enter Notes.
Notes Tips:
Tip #1: If you do not want to save a document to the patient Notes, go to the Word Processor and enter the following in the keyword field in Document Information: QLetNoSave (this is not case sensitive)
Tip #2: MOGO will check the size of the document before saving to Notes. Saving very large documents can result in running out of hard drive space and it can affect the overall performance of your program. If the document size is greater than 200K, you will receive a message after the document is printed with the following choices:
- [Save] – to save the document (to Notes)
- [Text Only] – to save text only (takes less hard drive space)
- [Cancel] – to skip (document will not save to Notes)
Tip #3: QRP and EMR documents will automatically be compressed before saving to Notes in order to reduce the frequency of the above message. This will be helpful for those offices who embed images in QRP and EMR documents.