Multi-Office Location Feature
MOGO’s Multi-Office Location feature is very useful for practices that have more than one office location. It allows remote access to an office database from any of your other office.
Please contact MOGO at 800.944.6646 if you are interested in the Multi-Office Location feature.
Each office must be licensed both as a multi-user office and for the Multi-Office Location feature.
When you are licensed for the “Multi-Office Location” feature, you can then access any of your other offices from the current location. You can also move patients and families from one office to another, schedule appointments for any patient, or even display all your patients at all locations!
When using MOGO’s Multi-Office Location feature, there are various ways to access the MOGO database at another location. For example, you may use Remote Desktop/PCAnywhere or Terminal Services. It is the decision of the office as to which choice best fits your particular needs.
Remote Desktop/PCAnywhere:
Example 1: You are using Remote Desktop/PCAnywhere to dial into a computer at Location A from Location B.
The computer at Location A is now in use by Location B. Therefore, no one else may use this computer at Location A.
Terminal Services:
Example 2: You are using Terminal Services to dial into a computer at Location A from Location B.
You may use all computers at both locations.
The Supervisor can edit separate Office Location information in Office Setup. There is a button “Click to edit location information” under the Office Tab.
- Office Location details, such as office name, address information, Practice TIN, and Bank Acct # for each location can be entered in Office Setup.
- The Location name and address entered here will print on receipts, insurance claims, and statements when you mark the “Location” option on these screens.
- The Practice TIN for the location is used for insurance claims when you mark the “Location” option.
- The Bank Account number for the office can be included at the top of the Deposit Slip. There is a field for Bank Acct # after you click on the “Edit location information” button. Since the Bank Account number is based on the “Edit location information” button, you can enter separate numbers for each location.
- You can select the background and text color for each office location. These colors will then be shown in the Location columns throughout MOGO (e.g, Patient Lookup List and Family Table). The text and background colors in the Location field will allow you to determine the location at a glance.
The “Location” field will be shown on the login screen whenever you login to MOGO. There is a drop-down arrow on the login screen so that you can click to select the office database location you would like to access.
You also have the option on the login screen to mark “Login to selected location, but display entire practice”. Patients from all locations will be included in the current login location. For example, all patient names will be on the Patient Lookup list. Tip: The Location column on the Patient Lookup List will allow you to quickly see their primary location.
All reports are separate per location. For example, Accounts Receivable, Production, Daysheet, Depsoit Slip, and Power Sort reports are kept separate for each location.
If you have marked the option on the login screen to “Login to selected location, but display entire practice”, the reports will be for all locations. Tip: This would allow your office to do centralized billing from your Accounts Receivable Report.
Employees entered in the Office Communication System at one location will be shown in all other locations. This will allow your employees to clock in at other office locations. For example, your hygienist might work at several of your offices.
OCS Reports will always be kept separate per locations (even if you have marked the box on the login screen to “Login to selected location, but display the entire practice”). This will allow you to generate accurate payroll reports based on the clock in/out times for each location.
The Bulletin Board will display the employee’s Scheduled Location and their Clock-In location.
- Their Scheduled Location is based on the hours under the Payroll Status tab in their Employee Information screen. It is based on the location you were logged into when you set up their hours. You must log into each location to set up their hours for that specific location.
- Their Clock-In location is based on the location the employee was logged into when they clocked in.
Login names and passwords that have been setup by the Supervisor can be the same in every office location. In addition, your employees can be given access to specific office locations, and their login rights can be different for each location.
- You can mark the box to “Apply same rights to all Locations” under both the OCS Rights tab and the MOGO Rights tab.
- There is also a drop-down list at the “Edit rights at location” field so that you can select an office location before editing.
- If you mark the box to “Apply same rights to all Locations”, the checkmark is not saved. It just allows you to make changes to rights and save other locations.
- If you mark the box under the OCS Rights tab, a message will ask if you want to apply the rights that were marked under the MOGO Rights tab to the other locations as well.
- If you mark the box under the MOGO Rights tab, a message will ask if you want to apply the rights that were marked under the OCS Rights tab to the other locations as well.
Office Setup options can be different at each location. For example, one office can be set to Auto Distribute.
Note: Since the Provider list is shared, if you change the employer address for the Practice Provider under the Office tab, it will change it at the other office also.
A “Location” column will be shown in many areas of the program, such as the Transaction, Transaction History, Bulletin Board, Waiting List, Appointment History, Family Table, Recall information, Office Flow, Recall, and the Family Aging screens.
When you search for a patient on the Patient Lookup List or the Appointment Book, MOGO will let you know if they were found in another location. MOGO will ask “Do you want to edit the location information for [patient name]?”
- You can mark the location or locations in which you want an individual patient to appear in the Patient Location Setup screen.
- The patient will always be displayed in their primary location. But you can select additional locations that should always display this patient.
Tip: To open the Patient Location Setup screen again, double click on the Location field on the Patient Lookup List.
All family members will be shown in the Family Table and the Family Aging, regardless of their individual office “location”. If you use the Transaction icon from these screens, you will receive a message if they are from another office.
If you send family statements, the statement will be on the Accounts Receivable Report where the Family Head is located.
- If you generate your Accounts Receivable Report by individual, you will only see patients whose primary location is the current office.
- If you mark the Practice or Provider option under Statement Options the return address is based on the provider on the Patient Information screen. There is a “Location” option under Print and Statement Options on the Accounts Receivable Merge Report menu bar so that the return address will be based on Location.
- If you mark the “Location” option, the name/address at the top of the Receipt will be based on the Location name/address that was entered in Office Setup. the “Location” option will be saved.
Tip: If you want to do centralized billing, just mark the box to “Login to selected location, but display entire practice” when you log into MOGO.
The Appointment Waiting List will always be kept separate for each office (otherwise it would be very large). Therefore, if you move a patient to another office, they will remain in the original office’s Waiting List. You can always delete them from the Waiting List if needed. Tip: You can add a patient from any office location to the Waiting List by clicking on the New icon on the Waiting List!
Appointment Book templates are separate per location.
You can book an appointment for a patient from the other location without changing the patient’s office location. When you search for the patient’s name in the Appointment Book, MOGO will tell you the patient was found in another Office Location. You will also have the option to move the patient to the current Office Location.
The Appointment Monitor (Office Flow) will include a patient Location field (where the patient is actually located), and an Appointment field (where the appointment is scheduled). Tip: Click and drag to rearrange columns!
- You can login to another location directly from the Appointment Monitor from Help and Login as New User on the menu bar.
- When you enter an appointment directly from the Appointment Monitor, the provider will default to the Patient Information screen provider.
- If you resort the Appointment Monitor, the first priority is always the “Appointment Location” column.
- The second priority is the selected column. For example, if you resort by the Name column, the patients will be grouped alphabetically according to their Appointment Location.
- The next priorities are Appointment Date, Appointment Time, and Operatory Number.
You can use the Send Message feature to communicate between offices.
You will have access to the Patient Information and Transaction screens from the Appointment Book for patients other than the current location.
You can distribute personal payments between offices. However, reimbursements are limited to the issuing office.
Budget plans are set up per Office Location. However, budget payments from one Office Location can be linked to budget charges from a different Office Location. If you move a Budget Plan patient to another Office Location, then the budget charge can also be applied at the current location.
Insurance payments can be linked to treatment from the same office only (treatment from other offices will not be shown on the insurance payment distribution screen).
- Insurance can only be processed from the office where treatment was done (treatment will not be shown on the insurance selection screen even if you move the patient to the other office). Tip: Arrow to the right to see the Location column on the Transaction screen.
- There is a “Location” option on the insurance processing screen next to “Address where payment should be remitted”. If you mark this option, the Billing Dentist or Dental Entity area of the claim form, as well as the TIN#, will be based on the Location information that was entered in Office Setup. The “Location” option will be saved.
Multi-Location offices will have separate Credit Card Setup and Credit Card Close of Day screens. Credit card transactions from each location are isolated from each other. Batch processing must be run for each location.
Electronic insurance claim licensing can be done by MOGO’s Support Department for each location so that you can send your electronic claims for any office.
The Deposit Slip contains the employer name and address for the Default Provider under the Patient tab in Office Setup.
If you mark Print Return Address on Recall Cards, it will print the employer name and address for Patient Information provider.
The Family Ledger will print the employer name and address for Patient Information provider.
The Treatment Plan will print the employer name and address for Patient Information provider.
Note: Since the Provider list is shared, if you change the employer address for the Practice Provider under the Office tab, it will change it at the other office also.
The Receipt return address will contain either the Provider from the Patient Information screen, or the Practice Provider from Office Setup (if the Receipt is marked to print the Practice’s return address).
- There is a “Location” option on the Receipt printing screen.
- If you mark this option, the name/address at the top of the Receipt will be based on the Location name/address that was entered in Office Setup. The “Location” option will be saved.
If you enter a new item directly from the To Do List, the provider shown will be the Default Provider that was entered under the Patient tab in Office Setup.
Print Patient Notes does not consider location. It only considers the login name of the user who entered the Notes. Print Patient Notes is available under Print on the Patient Lookup List menu bar.