Button Bar
The Word Processor icon is shown on the Patient Lookup List. It is under Documents on the menu bar in the Patient Information screen or Patient Transaction screen.
The button bar is visible if you have activated it under View on the menu bar.
The following buttons are in the button bar at the top of the Word Processor:
Choose between normal and the default paragraph font.
Click on the arrow to select a font type from the drop down list. The selected font is indicated in the font box.
Click on the arrow to select a font size from the drop down list. The selected font size is indicated in the size box.
Selected text will be in bold.
Selected text will be in italics
Selected text will be underlined.
To align text at left margin.
To align text at right margin.
To center selected text.
To justify text. Text lines up at left and right margins, which results in extra spaces between words.
To insert bullets at the cursor position. Click again to inactivate. Bullets and Numbering Attributes can be accessed from Format on the menu bar.
To insert numbers at the cursor position. Click again to inactivate. Bullets and Numbering Attributes can be accessed from Format on the menu bar.
The default viewing size is 100% but this can be changed by clicking on the drop-down arrow.
You can also activate this from Options and Control Characters Visible on the menu bar.
Tabs can be set within the document for left aligned, right aligned, centered, decimal, and right most. Note: Tabs can also be set up from Format and Tabs in the menu bar. Click here to learn more about Setting up Margins and Tabs.
- Click one time on the button to activate. This appearance of the button will change each time you click on it.
- The selected tab button will be shown on the far left side of the ruler.
- Click in the white area on the ruler to set the tab position. You will now see the same symbol on the ruler.
- If it is not in the correct position on the ruler, you can click and drag it. As you move the tab marker, you can see the exact numbered position on the far left side of the ruler.
- To remove a tab marker, just drag and drop it off the ruler.