MOGO’s Word Processor is a fully integrated Word Processor which allows you to quickly merge and print any file that is in the Word Processor. You also have the capability of editing or customizing the document on the screen before sending it to the printer. Quick Letters can be printed from various areas throughout the program.
All letters are saved in the patient’s Notes for future reference and they can even be reprinted from there.
The Word Processor icon is shown on the Patient Lookup List. It is under Documents on the menu bar in the Patient Information screen or Patient Transaction screen.
The drop-down arrow next to the Word Processor icon is used to Open QRP and EMR templates.
You can create many customized documents such as letters, instruction sheets, envelopes, and labels in your Word Processor.
Merge fields are used to merge information instantly. For example, you will create one letter and print it to anyone by using merge fields for patient name and address information. There are even merge fields for Recall and balances.
You can save printer settings with a document so that each letter pulls from the correct tray. You can even save any letter in an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) format so that you can add user defined databases to a document!
In addition, you will want to use MOGO’s Transaction Merge Wizard to combine letters with treatment that was entered on a patient’s Transaction screen. You could then send a letter to a patient or their referring doctor concerning treatment that was done or future treatment plans.
Click here to learn how to Open an Existing File.
Note: MOGO automatically saves a document in Rich Text Format (RTF) in the Word Processor. The letter extension will be RTF (e.g., Welcome.RTF). When the letter is saved to the patient’s Notes, it will save in Plain Text format (e.g., Welcome.Txt).