Appointment Scanner
You can quickly scan for an available appointment time and date for a specific provider (i.e., hygienist) by using the Appointment Scanner. It is important to set up your appointment templates for each provider separately so that you can scan for appointments for a specific provider.
This feature allows you to specify a date range, time range, specific provider, number of units and Preferred Procedure symbols.
You can access the Auto Scan feature by clicking on the Appointment Scanner icon on the Patient Lookup List. You can also click on Appointment and Scan from the menu bar in the Patient Information screen and in the Appointment Overview screen.
When you select an appointment in Auto Scan and click on the Appt. button, you will go to that appointment date and time. If you open the Auto Scan again when you are in the Scheduler, it will still list the appointments that were found. If the patient changes his or her mind, you can quickly select a different date and time from the list and click on the Appt. button again!
There is also an “Appt/Close” con at the top of the Auto Scan. If you click on this icon, you will go to the selected appointment, but the Scan will clear the list of appointments. If you open the Scan again, it will be blank.
Click on Appointment
Click on Scan [Ctrl-N].
The Appointment Auto Scan window will appear. The following information fields are available:
Date Range: From and To. You can type in the date range you need or click on the calendar icon to select dates. If you have selected a date range that is too large (for example, 3 years), MOGO will narrow the range to one year from your starting date for efficiency of scanning.
Time Range: Type the time range. For example 4:30 pm or 10 am. If you do not type in a time range, MOGO will fill in a default time range for you.
Provider: Click on the gray box to select the provider. You can also type the assigned provider initials in this field. You can select more than one provider after clicking on the gray box! Tip: If you select a provider, you will avoid double booking.
Unit: Enter the units you need for this appointment. If you do not enter units, MOGO will automatically enter 1 unit in this field.
Preferred Procedure: Click on the icon or press [F9] to select your Preferred Procedure symbol. This is optional and is usually used by offices who have marked specific appointment time for crown and bridges or emergency patients.
Scan For: Click in the box to mark the days of the week. You can also click on the All button to scan for all days of the week. Monday through Saturday will be selected by default.
After filling in the fields as needed, click on the Scan icon. The available appointments will be listed in the box, along with the times and operatories available. The provider’s initials will be shown for each available appointment. If the provider initials are shown as “All” it means that your templates were not set up for each provider separately as recommended. In other words, you marked “Entire Office” when you were Editing Default Assignment Templates.
MOGO will pause every 15 seconds to allow you to select a listed appointment or to continue scanning. The Appointment Scanner will recognize if the Provider is scheduled in another operatory.
Highlight the appointment time and click on the Appnt. button to go to that appointment.
You will go to the date you have selected in the Appointment Book! If you open the Scan again, it will still be filled in with the previous appointments so that you can just click to select a different appointment time. If you click on the “x” to close the Scan, it will no longer list previously scanned appointments.