Insurance – Deductibles
The amount that is shown as the patient’s deductible is based on the default amount that was entered in Office Setup. This default amount can be changed when entering Employer/Insurance information.
The MOGO program is designed to calculate deductible amounts based on the percentage of coverage for the service first, and then the deductible is subtracted. For example, if the coverage for a service is 80%, MOGO will first calculate 80% of the fee and then subtract the deductible when the treatment is entered on the patient’s Transaction screen.
The deductible amount will always be reset based on the Renewal Date in the Employer/Insurance information screen and the amount of deductible shown in that screen. Note: If the insurance plan changes their deductible amount prior to the Renewal Date, you would need to edit the deductible and then remove the employer/insurance from the patient and relink it again. This would reset the deductible.
Office Setup will also give you the option to calculate a percentage of the deductible and to subtract the deductible before calculating benefits. You will want to review the Ins. and Est.Ins tabs in Office Setup so that you can customize the default for your office.