Patient Transaction Screen – Columns
The columns on the Transaction screen can be resized or hidden by clicking and dragging the vertical lines that separate the column headings. The mouse pointer will change to a cross when you point at the vertical line.
After resizing or hiding a column heading, MOGO will ask if you would like to save this setting upon exiting the Transaction screen. Every Transaction screen will now have this custom setting.
To restore the original settings, click on Help from the menu bar and select Restore Default Screen Size.
The following columns are on the Transaction screen:
- Dr.
- The provider of the treatment/payment.
- T#
- Tooth number.
- For insurance claim codes, this field will show the total number of treatment claimed.
- Surf
- Tooth surface.
- Description
- The service code description.
- Date
- The service code’s completion date.
- Code
- The service code.
- Fee$
- The amount of the service code.
- For treatment this will be the fee of the service.
- For payments, discounts, or adjustments this is the amount of the payment/discount/adjustment.
- The amount of the service code.
- PP
- PP stands for Plan Phase.
- Ins Bal. (Line Balance)
- When Line Balance is enabled from the View menu, the Ins. Bal. column will be displayed. The Ins. Bal. column will match the Est.Ins column amount or show $0.00 (if an insurance payment has been entered).
- Pat Bal. (Line Balance)
- When Line Balance is enabled from the View menu, the Pat Bal. column will be displayed. Once a payment has been linked to the treatment the Pat Bal column will represent the amount the patient owes for the treatment.
- Est.Ins1 (Insurance patients only)
- For patents with insurance, this will display the amount of a treatment the Primary Insurance is estimated to pay.
- Est.Ins2 (Insurance patients only)
- For patents with more than one insurance plan, this will display the amount of a treatment the Secondary Insurance is estimated to pay.
- DedIns1 (Insurance patients only)
- If the treatment has been marked to apply deductible, this column will reflect how much of the treatment the patient must pay to meet the Primary Insurance’s annual deductible.
- DedIns2 (Insurance patients only)
- If the treatment has been marked to apply deductible, this column will reflect how much of the treatment the patient must pay to meet the Secondary Insurance’s annual deductible.
- Est.Pat
- The amount of the treatment the patient is estimated to be responsible for.
- B
- This represents Billable. This column will either show a Y or an N, to denote if the service code is billable or not.
- Ins.1Clm (Insurance patients only)
- The date the service code was claimed to Primary Insurance.
- Ins.2Clm (Insurance patients only)
- The date the service code was claimed to Secondary Insurance.
- TxP. Date
- The date the Service code was added to a Treatment Plan.
- Acc. Date
- The date the Treatment Plan the service code has been attached to was accepted.