WP Save As
You can save a document under a different name by first locating the file and then using the “Save As” feature.
- Go to the Word Processor.
- Click on the
Open icon.
- Select the filename from the File Selection window.
- Click OK. Your document is now on the screen.
- Click on File
- Click on Save As…
- Type the new name in the File Name box.
The file type will default to Rich Text Format (.rtf). This can be changed by clicking on the drop down arrow in the “Save as type” box.
Click the [Save] button.
The file has now been saved under this new name. The original document has not changed and is still available under the original name.
The Word Processor will default to the WP folder.
If you save a document in a folder other than under the Word Processor (WP) folder, MOGO will let you know that you may not see the document when printing a Quick Letter. The message will be as follows:
“You are saving a document outside of the MOGO Word Processor folder. By default, MOGO will display the Word Processor folder when opening documents. This document will not be in the default folder, and you will have to select it manually. Are you sure you want to do this?”