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Patient Transaction Screen – Printing Receipts

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Customized Receipts can be printed for a patient by adding messages and including estimated insurance information.

MOGO will automatically add your clinical messages to the Receipt based on the category of the treatment that was done for the patient!

Multiple Receipt messages can be added for each of your Service Codes. You will just select the ones you need when printing a Receipt. For example, you may want to customize various messages for the same Restorative code based on whether the treatment was on a molar or anterior tooth.

You can mark selected patient Notes to print on a Receipt.

Receipts can also be printed in Spanish. The Spanish description must be entered by you in Service Codes for each procedure in order to do this. The patient must also have an “L” in their Account Type field on their Patient Information screen.

When a Receipt is printed the next appointment date, office messages, provider messages and clinical messages will be printed on the Receipt. If you print a Family Receipt, then the appointment dates will show for all family members!

The option to “Show Appointment End Time” can be activated on the Receipt printing screen.

If you answer “yes” to update the Next Statement Date when you print a Family Receipt, MOGO will update the next statement for the Family Head.

Tip: If you do Daily Billing by Family, you will probably always want to print a Family Receipt.

If you mark the box for Message Selection, then a window will open when you click on the Print button. You will then select from a Message list or enter new personal messages for the patient. If you do not mark this box, the standard messages and appointment information will still print.

You can select from the following options when printing a Receipt:

  • Select the starting date for services listed on the Receipt. The current date will be the default date.
  • Select the number of copies. The default number will be 1.
  • Include Tooth Number and Surface. This would be useful if the patient will be sending the Receipt to their insurance company.
  • License Number (of provider). This would be useful if the patient will be sending the Receipt to their insurance company.
  • Show Appointment End Time. If you do not mark this box, only the start time for the appointment will be shown on the Receipt.
  • Insurance Information. This is the insurance pending amount from the Transaction screen. The Receipt will contain total balance, insurance balance, and patient balance amounts.
  • Message Selection. If this box is checked a Message Selection window will open when you send the Receipt to the printer.
  • Sort the transactions on the Receipt by Date, Name or Code. This would be very useful when printing a Family Receipt.
  • Return Address as Practice or Provider. The Practice name is the employer name that was entered for the provider on the Patient Information screen.
  • Print Individual with the Family Head Address, Individual with the Patient Address or Family Receipt. Note: If the patient has an S in their Account Type field, the Family option is grayed out.
  • Next Statement Date. Update automatically after Receipt is printed. This is only used when doing Daily Billing. If you do monthly billing, do not update the Next Statement Date.

You also have the option of automatically adding Messages to Receipt and selecting from customized messages.


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