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Display in Watch

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When you view Notes, you can first select the cabinet and folder for the Notes you would like to view.

Tip: Click on the drop-down arrow next to the Notes icon and select Enter Notes to quickly enter a Note for the patient. Enter Notes is also available in the right click menu in many areas of the program.

The “Display in Watch” feature will allow you to mark a specific Note that you would like to appear in a popup window whenever you click on the patient’s name on the Patient Lookup List, Appointment Monitor [F-12], Appointment Book, or To Do List.

Note: The “Display Watch” option must be enabled in each of these screens, on each computer, for the watch notes to automatically display.

This is very useful as a reminder for the entire staff concerning patient’s financial plans, insurance plan information, or special personal reminders.

The Supervisor must assign login rights for the “Watch, Statement, and Receipt Option from Comments” in order to mark or unmark an existing Watch. This allows the staff to mark a Note to display in the Watch window, print on a Statement, and print on a Receipt.

Note: Anyone can mark a Note as a “Watch” when the Note is first entered. For example, if you right click and select Enter Note, anyone can mark the Watch box. However, you must have login rights to mark a “Watch, Statement, and Receipt Option from Comments” in order to mark a Watch for existing Notes.

After entering the Note, just click in the box “Display in Watch”.

For example, enter a Note for a patient such as, “Prophy only one time per year”. You can then mark this specific Note as a “Watch” and it will appear in a yellow popup window whenever you click on their name!

  • You can mark any Note that you would like to “Display in Watch”. A “Watch” can only be marked through patient Notes.
  • When you click on the patient, a popup window will open with the note you marked as a “Watch”.

The Notes marked to “Display in Watch” will also print on the bottom of the Route Slip.

You can always remove the checkmark in Notes if you do not want it to continue to appear as a “Watch”. You must have rights for the “Watch, Statement, and Receipt Option from Comments” in order to do this.

You can move the location of the “Watch” window when it opens on the Patient Lookup List.

  • Just click on the “arrow button” on the side of the “Watch” window to move it.
  • If you point to the “arrow button” before clicking, the tool tips window will describe the location to which it will be moved. The locations are upper-left corner, upper-right corner, lower-left corner, lower-right corner, and grid line. The default is grid line, which is the largest viewing size.
  • MOGO will save the location that is selected for the next time the “Watch” window opens!

You can also fold or “hide” the Watch window so that the text is not shown.

  • Click on the red exclamation (!) mark in the upper corner of the Watch window to “Fold Watch Window”.
  • You will then only see a gray bar instead of the entire Watch window.
  • Click again on the red exclamation (!) mark on the gray bar to “Unfold Watch Window” so that you can read the text.
  • When the Watch window is “folded”, it only affects the current screen. For example, you may want to fold the Watch window in the Appointment Monitor so that the text does not cover other information.

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