Merging an Image with a Quick Letter
You can enter a special image Merge Field in a Word Processor letter that will allow you to merge an image when the letter is printed as a Quick Letter.
When you merge an image with a Quick Letter, you will have the option to specify the size of image. In addition, you can specify the image Cabinet that you would like to open when the letter is printed.
Image Merge Fields – Specify Size:
When you add an Image Merge Field to a document, a window will open automatically so that you can enter a Height and Width in inches. If one or both of these options are left as zero, the default image size will be used when the image is merged into the document.
The height and width ration of the original image will be preserved when it is merged regardless of the image size entered.
You can also resize an image by manually clicking and dragging to resize as follows:
- Click one time on the image Merge Field to select it. A border will appear around the Merge Field.
- Point your cursor to any area of the border until it changes to a double pointer.
- Then just click and drag to resize.
Image – Specify Cabinet:
You can also specify the image Cabinet that you would like to open when the letter is printed. This option is available on the same window where the image Height and Size is entered..
If you would like to a specific cabinet to open when the image is merged into a document, mark the box next to “Make this image merge field default to the following cabinet”.
The choices are Patient, Ledger, Letter, X-Ray, or Oral.
You will have the opportunity to select the image you would like to merge into the letter when you print the letter. You will just view the image and click on the OK button to make your choice.
If you would like to select more than one image for a letter, you can enter the image Merge Fields on separate lines. Of course, you can always adjust spacing or location of the image. For example, you could then adjust spacing and lines to move the images side-by-side before printing the letter!
You will have the option of selecting images when the letter is printed, depending on how many times you have entered the image Merge Fields within the letter.
Of course, you can always adjust spacing or location of the image before sending the letter to the printer. For example, you could then adjust spacing and lines to move the images side-by-side before printing the letter!
If you reprint the letter from Notes, the image will automatically reprint with the letter.
If you have activated the “Show Notes” option on the Patient Lookup List or Appointment Monitor, you will see the actual image in the Notes.
If you view the document in the patient’s Notes screen, the image is not shown. However, it will be shown if the document is reprinted. There is no need to reselect the image when the document is reprinted. Note: Reprint is under File on the Notes menu bar.