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WP Printer Settings

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The MOGO Word Processor allows you to save your printer settings. You can tell MOGO to remember where and how to print each one of your letters.

You can set up letters to print on your letterhead, as well as to make sure your envelopes print to your envelope feeder. You can even set the document to print multiple copies.

Customize and save the printer setup each time you create a new document in MOGO’s Word Processor and you will never have to change the printer settings again!

After opening the Word Processing document, follow these steps to save printer settings:

  • Click on File from the menu bar. Click on Save Printer With Doc.
  • Click on the drop down arrow to select a printer. You can also select number of copies.
  • Click on the Properties button in the Printer Setup window for more options.

After clicking on the Properties button, the Tabs will allow you to further customize your choices.

You can save a specific printer and, depending on your printer, you can change landscape format and paper source for the document.

  • In order to save the paper source, you must Save Printer With Document. The Source can then be changed under Preferences.
  • In order to save the paper size, you must Save Printer With Document. The Paper Size can then be changed under Preferences.

If you change the paper source in Page Setup, you will be told to Save Printer With Document if you want this change to be permanent for this document.

Note: If a printer is saved with a document, and then the printer is removed from the network or the printer name is changed, you will receive a message that the “printer cannot be found” when you select that document.

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