Estimated Insurance Writeoff
Q. What is an Estimated Insurance Writeoff?
A. Based on the information in the insurance plan for the Participating Plan with Adjustment, the Estimated Insurance Writeoff is the amount that will be adjusted.
If you have already edited the information for the insurance plan, an Estimated Insurance Writeoff code will automatically be added to the Transaction screen when you enter the treatment. It will appear automatically for both dated and undated treatment.
- The Estimated Insurance Writeoff (adjustment) will appear on your Daysheet on the same date as the treatment.
- When you enter the insurance payment, the adjustment date will change to the same date as the insurance payment.
- Your Daysheet Year Map will then be red for the both of these dates so that you know you need to regenerate your Daysheets.
The Estimated Patient portion on the Transaction screen includes the adjustment amount.
If you have not edited the insurance plan, the adjustment will appear when you enter the insurance payment and fill in information on the Participating Plan with Adjustment screen based on the Explanation of Benefits (EOB).
- You will see the corresponding tooth number and surface on the same line as the Estimated Insurance Writeoff code. This will help you to quickly see to what treatment this adjustment is linked.
- You cannot delete or modify the Estimated Insurance Writeoff (adjustment) code directly. It will be automatically completed, un-completed, or deleted with the linked treatment.
- There will be one Estimated Insurance Writeoff (adjustment) code for each treatment. Therefore, if you enter three treatments, there will be three adjustment codes.
- The description of “Estimated Insurance Writeoff” will change when you link the insurance payment. The description field will then contain the group number and insurance company name.
- If you link the insurance payment to multiple treatment lines, only one adjustment code will then be shown.
- After the insurance payment is linked, the adjustment code is the same as any other adjustment code in MOGO. For example, it can be deleted or modified.