Patient Information Screen – Selecting a Referral Source
Selecting a patient’s Referral source is done from the Patient Information screen.
You can either type the referral name directly into the Referred By field or select the referral source from the Referral List.
When you type directly into the Referred By field a drop down list will automatically pop up.
(Click Image for Full Size)
If the name you enter matches an existing record on the Referral List you simply select it to add it to this patient. If it does not match an existing record, you will simply click Enter on your keyboard and the New Referral window will open so you can add the new referral source to the Referral List.
To select from the Referral List, click on the link button next to the Referred By field.
This will bring up the Referral List. You can search for and select the desired referral name by clicking OK or create a new referral source then clicking OK.
(Click Image for Full Size)