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Recall Setup (FAQ)

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How do I create or edit a Recall list?
The Recall setup screen for editng or creating a new Recall list is broken down into three tabs: General, Periods, and Messages. On the General Tab, you will need to enter the name of this recall list under Recall List Name. Next, determine the default return period for this recall list. When completing recall tracked codes on individual patients the date can be modified, but we need to set a default for this list. Next, you will need to determine when the program will stop tracking the patient on this list if they do not return for service. The default is 2 years past due, but you can set this to your office’s preferences. Under Recall Code(s), click the orange plus icon to select which service codes are to be tracked on this recall list. You can add as many codes as you wish, keeping in mind that completing any one of them on a patient’s transaction screen will cause them to be tracked on this list. If you would like to remove patients from this list should they have specific service codes completed, you would check off Use Exclude Codes and select those codes by clicking on the orange plus icon. Finally, you have a few options to look at for how the recall list behaves. Under the Periods tab, you will choose three distinct settings: how long before the patients are supposed to come back for this recall service do we consider them due and begin sending them recall reminders; how many past due periods you want for this recall and what the time frames are for each one; and the stop tracking setting is displayed here as well. On the Messages tab, you will set up the message template and sending preference for each of your periods. For more information regarding the setup or editing of a recall list, watch the overview help video below.

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