Patient Transaction History Screen
The Transaction History contains all treatment that has been completely paid by both the patient and the insurance.
Payments that have been completely distributed can be sent to History at any time. By sending treatment to History, you will keep the Transaction screen uncluttered and easy to read. Both treatment and payments can be posted to the Patient History screen.
The option to Post Transactions is available under File on the menu bar on the Transaction screen or you can use the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl+P]. You can select the transactions you would like to send to History.
There is also an option to automatically post transactions to History. You can activate this feature from the menu bar on the Transaction screen under Edit and Auto Post Cleared Items. Note: If you activate Auto Post, it is activated for all patients.
In addition, if you enter an A in a patient’s Account Type field, transactions for that patient will be sent to History automatically when you close their Transaction screen. This would only affect those patients who have an A in their Account Type field.
By sending transactions to History, the Transaction screen will then contain only treatment that has not been completely paid, as well as incomplete treatment (treatment plans) and payments that have not been completely distributed. It will be easier to read. You can access the History screen at any time and you will be able to view the active Transactions when you are in the History screen!
A line of treatment can be posted to History after the insurance payment has been distributed to the treatment and the patient portion has been completely paid. In other words, there is no balance due for the treatment from either the insurance or the patient.
If you are unable to send treatment to History, it is because it has not been completely paid. Click with the right mouse on the code for the line of treatment to quickly see how payments have been distributed. This will open the Distribution Detail window.
You can also view Line Balances to see actual PatBal and InsBal columns. Line Balances is available on the menu under View on the Transaction screen.
Keep in mind that if you have set your Office Setup to Auto Distribute payments to the oldest family balance or the oldest patient balance, this is affecting how MOGO distributes payments to lines of treatment.
You can right click on any treatment or payment in the History screen and select View Distributions to see a Distribution Detail window. This is a great way to quickly see how treatment and payments were linked.
There is a Budget column in the Transaction History screen. A checkmark will be next to treatment that is part of an active Budget Plan. Once the Budget Plan is completed paid, the checkmark will be removed.
Tip: Mark the box next to “Show Active Transactions” in the History screen to see all active Budget Plan treatment.
You can print the Transaction History screen by clicking on the Print icon in the toolbar.
Tip: Mark the boxes at the bottom of the screen first to include the information you want to print. For example, you can mark the boxes for “Credit Codes” and “Show Active Transactions” to print only the payment codes.