Spell Check Suggestions
The Word Processor icon is shown on the Patient Lookup List. It is under Documents on the menu bar in the Patient Information screen or Patient Transaction screen.
Spell Check is under Tools on the menu bar in MOGO’s Word Processor.
There is also a Spell Check icon in the Word Processor tool bar.
The Spelling Check box will open automatically when a misspelled word is found when spell checking. The “Not in Dictionary” box will display the misspelled word
The Suggestions dialog box displays words that are similar to the originally typed word. Suggestions are sorted top down by the rate of resemblance. The top rated match is preset in the Change to field.
- You can click on the Ignore button if you do not want to change the word.
- Click on Ignore All if you want to avoid finding the same word again when spell checking this document.
- Select the word and click on the Add button to add the word to the dictionary.
- Select the word and click on the Change button to replace the located misspelled word with the selected word from the Suggestions list.
- Select the word and click on the Change All button to replace the same misspelled word throughout the document with the selected word from the Suggestions list.