The Word Processor icon is shown on the Patient Lookup List. It is under Documents on the menu bar in the Patient Information screen or Patient Transaction screen.
The following features are under Insert in the menu bar:
- File – To insert an existing file into the current file.
- Image – To browse for an image to insert in the current document. Select the type of file by clicking on the drop-down arrow at the bottom of the screen next to “Files of type”.
- Shape – To insert a shape into the document. You can choose between Lines, Rectangles, Basic Shapes, Block Arrows, Equation Shapes, Flowcharts, Stars and Banners, Callouts, and even draw custom shapes using the Drawing Canvas.
- Text Frame – To insert a text frame in the document. The text frame can be formatted by selecting it and going to Format and Text Frame on the menu bar. Tip: Right click on a text frame to select Format Text Frame.
- Page Number – To add or remove page numbers from the document.
- Symbol – To insert special characters, such as trademark or copyright symbols.
- Signature – MOGO’s eSignature feature, along with digital documents, enhances your ability to go paperless by eliminating the need for storing, copying, and retrieving paper documents.
- Insert eSignature (Image Only) is capturing the signature as an image. If the signature is captured as an image, it is not legally binding. For example, the office may just be sending a form letter to patients and may want to include the doctor’s signature in the letter.
- Insert Secure eSignature Variable This is used when a legal document is needed. The final document and signature are linked together as part of a document that can be authenticated. For example, an office may want a financial or HIPAA agreement to be legally binding.
- Secure eSignature Setup will allow you to specify the type of signature hardware, i.e., Signature Pad or Tablet PC and to customize signature options.
- Hyperlink – A Hyperlink allows you to link text to another location (Target) or file.
- Click on Insert/Hyperlink and type in the “Linked text” box. This is the Hyperlink text that will appear in the document.
- You can link this to text to a page location, or you can click on the Choose File button to link it to a file.
- If you have used the Insert Target feature, you can click to “Select a named target in the current page or selected file”. A list of named Targets will be shown in this box.
- When you point your mouse cursor to a Hyperlink in a document, the cursor will change to “hand”. Click one time to go to the Target.
- Page Break – To insert a page break at the current cursor position. You will see the page break as a horizontal line across the page when activating “Control Characters Visible” (under Options on the menu bar).