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Patient Transaction Screen – Entering an NSF Check

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A non-sufficient fund (NSF) check is entered on the Transaction screen and is then linked to the original check. The Distribution Detail window will allow you to later view the check and the NSF that was linked. This will be very helpful when you need to discuss the non-sufficient fund check with the patient!

When you enter an NSF code on a Transaction screen, you will be able to link this code to the original check payment that was entered. If any distributions were made towards treatment for this check, they will be removed.

Note: NSF codes must be set up under the Category of Charge and the Type of NSF in your Service Codes.

To enter a non-sufficient fund check you will start from a blank line under the Code column on the Transaction screen.

  • Click on the Service Code    button at the top of the Transaction screen and the Service Code list will appear. You can also press [F9] or double click on the code column.
  • Click on the Category button NSF.
  • Select the NSF code to add to a patient Transaction screen by clicking with the left mouse button and click OK.


  • Type the NSF code number or office key word under the Code column.
  • Enter the date in the date column.


  • A window will open listing check payments which were entered for this patient. The bottom of this window will explain that the NSF will be changed to the amount of the selected check and that distributions for this check will be removed.
  • Select the check which was returned due to NSF. The Total dollar amount of the selected check is shown at the bottom of the screen. The payment and NSF code are now linked. Click OK.
  • The current date is automatically entered under the date column for NSF checks.

If you do not link the NSF code to a payment when the window opens, a message will tell you that MOGO recommends you delete the NSF code from the Transaction screen.

MOGO links NSF codes directly to payments, so that you always know exactly when the payment was made and when you found out the check was not good. Also, because all links between the payment and the original treatment are broken, the account is aged properly and any finance charges are assessed correctly.

Note: If you charge the patient a fee for NSF checks, you will need to create a separate code for this in Service Codes. This code can be set up under the Category of Charge and the Type of General Service. You can enter your standard fee for NSF checks in the field for Fee when you create this new code.

If you delete a payment code that is linked to a non-sufficient fund code, the NSF code will remain on the Transaction screen as non-billable. There will be an N under the Bill column for the NSF code. This means that it will not affect the patient’s balance. It is for future information.

In addition, if a payment, NSF code, or Reimbursement code is deleted from the Transaction screen, the original distribution information is saved in Notes. This is for future reference and will help you recreate the links if needed.

NSF and Reimbursement codes are not deleted from the Transaction screen when their links are broken. An example of this would be if the check payment code is deleted from the Transaction screen.

  • Instead the NSF or Reimbursement code is marked as non-billable (you will see an “N” under the Bill column on their Transaction screen), and it will be returned to the Active Transaction screen if it was sent to History.
  • The original distribution is logged in Notes, along with the user login name, when distribution links to Reimbursement and NSF codes are broken. This will help offices recreate the links if needed.
  • If the actual NSF code is deleted, it will be removed from the Transaction screen. However, information will be saved in Notes regarding the original distribution links for this NSF code.
  • Deleted NSF and Reimbursement codes are tracked in the Log File. The Log File can only be accessed by the Supervisor.

The doctor can call the Support Department at 1-800-944-6646 for more information on the Log File.

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