The Word Processor icon is shown on the Patient Lookup List. It is under Documents on the menu bar in the Patient Information screen or Patient Transaction screen.
The following features are under Edit on the menu bar:
- Undo Character Formatting (Ctrl+Z) – To remove the most recent editing before saving. For example, if you “cut” text, you can “undo” to bring it back.
- Redo – If you “Undo” something, “Redo” will bring it back.
- Cut (Ctrl+X) – To delete or cut selected text. If you change your mind, “undo” will bring it back if you have not saved the document again.
- Copy (Ctrl+C) – To copy selected text. You can then “paste” to a new location.
- Paste (Ctrl+V) – To paste copied text. This will paste the last “copied” text.
- Delete – To delete selected text. This is the same as using the Delete key on the keyboard.
- Select All – To select all text. You could then copy and paste this text to another location.
- Find – To open a search window so that you can find specific text.
- Replace – To find text and replace. There are buttons on this screen to Find Next, Replace, and Replace All.
- Hyperlink – To edit existing hyperlink in your document.
- Bookmark – To edit existing bookmark in your document.