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Year Map Buttons

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The Daysheet report is accessed from the Report screen and should be generated and printed at the end of every day.

The following buttons are in the Year Map:

Year Map – This is grayed out since you are already in the Year Map. When you are in the Business Analysis report, this button will go back to the Year Map.

Report – This will go to the Business Analysis Report which contains information in a spreadsheet format. You can view this report for selected providers or for all providers.

The year can be changed at the top of the screen by clicking on the down arrow next to the Year field and selecting from a list of years.

  • The starting year listed will be one year before the earliest date for which totals are available.
  • The starting year can also be changed by using the Back and Next arrows shown on either side of the Year field.
  • MOGO will let you know if you select a year without data, or if there is nothing else to be displayed.

– This accesses MOGO’s Help.

– To close the Year Map. MOGO will ask “Are you sure?”


If you are logged in as Supervisor, there will also be a Log File button on this screen. You can view either the entire Log File from here, or you can view the Log File for a selected date. You can view the Log File for a selected date only from the Daysheet Year Map. Click on the calendar to select a date, and then click on the Log File button for that date.

Options on the menu bar in the Log File will allow you to resort and select display options. For example, you could display the Log File according to a specific date range.

For security purposes, the Log File cannot be printed.

In addition to logging changes to treatment and payments, the Log File will also save changes that have been made to Insurance Claim codes. For example, if you delete, change the date, or change the fee for the Insurance Claim code, it will be saved to the Log File and the Daysheet Yearmap will also be red. Note: Editing the estimated insurance amount for an Insurance Claim code does not save in the Log File.

Note: The Log File button is only shown if you are logged in as the “true” Supervisor. Supervisor equivalency does not provide access to the Log File.

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