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Distribution Tab

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On the Distribution Tab you will setup how distributions are handled within MOGO.

1. Choose whether to link all payments to the current date.
2. Choose whether to link all over-payments to the current date.
3. Choose if you want all payments saved to the Practice Provider.
4. Choose if you want all over-payments saved to the Practice Provider.
5. If a patient’s insurance balance is $0, decide if insurance payments can be applied to patient balance.
6. When an insurance payment is less than the estimated insurance portion, decide if the remaining balance should be shifted to Secondary insurance or patient balance or stay in primary insurance balance.
7. Enable or disable auto-distribution and decide if payments should apply to family balance or patient balance.
8. When a patient has a payment with an undistributed balance, decide if MOGO will prompt for distribution when closing the Transaction Screen.
9. Set MOGO to run check balance when closing the Transaction Screen.

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