Q. If my patient wants to opt out of text or email reminders, what can I do?
A. You can set your patient’s eReminder preferences in the Personal eReminder Preferences screen. This can be accessed from the Patient menu on the Patient Lookup List, the Patient Information screen, or the Transaction screen. It can also be accessed from the Appointment Book under the eReminder menu or by right clicking a patient in the eReminder section. You can set the preference for each type of eReminder as well as apply the preferences to all family members.
Q. How can I change the display name for my eReminders?
A. The display name for your eReminders pulls from the Office Name under Registration & License Information (under the File menu of the Patient Lookup List). There is also a setting in Office Setup (on the eReminder tab) that overrides the Office Name with the Location Name. *note: not all phone carriers accept a display name, so the name will display the number or address the eReminder is sent from.
Q. How do I check if an eReminder went out?
A. When an eReminder has been sent to a patient a copy of the message saves to the patient notes. If the eReminder is an appointment confirmation there will be a grey checkmark next to the patient’s name on the appointment in the Appointment Book.
Q. If my patient replies to the eReminder, where does that reply go?
A. Your patient’s reply will save to patient notes, and depending on the send method will show in the Digital Communication Suite as well. If you are using the office email account sending method and Twilio, replies will be in the email’s inbox. If using the MOGO eReminder account method and Twilio, the replies will be in the eReminder section of the DCS.
Q. Can I add an image or link?
A. Images and links can be added to your eReminder email templates. Text messages will not display images, although links can definitely be added. To add an image to your email template, right click in the template editor and the insert menu. From there you will see an option for image.
Q. Can we use the old sending method instead of email?
A. You can choose between three types of sending methods: Twilio, your office email account, and your MOGO eReminder account. The office email and MOGO eReminder account can both be used for texts and email, while Twilio is only used for texts.
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