When you spend money on marketing, how are you tracking the success of your investment?
As the dental industry continues to be a completive market, dentists are using internet marketing to draw in new patients more and more each day. Internet marketing exposes your office and makes your office easier to find on the internet. Drawing in patients with promotions, positive reviews and key word searches have been successful strategies for many dental practices and dental service organizations.
Referral Fields in your MOGO Cloud Dental Software
Put your dental software to work, track your referrals!
MOGO Cloud Dental Software allows you to set the referral field as a mandatory field in the program. We understand that the daily grind at your office can be overwhelming for staff. Things happen and entering a referral can be easily overlooked or forgotten. MOGO offers you a beneficial feature; set the referral field as mandatory to ensure your staff inputs a referral for every new patient established at your dental practice. Are you sending out a mailer this month or even putting up a billboard for advertising? Set a referral source as the mailer and MOGO Cloud Dental Software can track not only how many new patients are generated from this mailer, but the total revenue. It is important to evaluate the money you sink into marketing, is it yielding returns for your practice? Your dental software can help you evaluate by providing you detailed referral reporting. Whether you are a general dentist tracking a patient to patient referral program or a specialist tracking clinician referred patients, it is important to know where your patients are coming from!